LOUROY street shorts

LOUROY street shorts. I made these shorts with the fabric of a hoodie, some paint and wool spools.
It’s the first piece I made when I arrived on the island, I needed to reassure myself and make clothes for men because I had been working on women stuff before leaving.
I had a second hand shop 2 minutes away from the very first place in lived in and would go there to buy articles only when I needed them. In France I was buying the fabrics and stuff when I thought they had potential, there I kept in my mind what I saw and would go back to the shop to buy when I was sure I would need them. Here on the island and because I just came with one luggage and a backpack, I can not store stuff as easily as in my parents house in France


LOUROY street shorts N°1
coupe LOUROY street shorts
Mesures (en cm)
Sold unique piece

I like it here, I like the people, I feel like them. Island people, island boys and girls not just a girl with a flower in her hair, a tanned skin and tattoos sprinkling her body but a girl who grew up with no electricity (till this day some of the islands here have a generator during 4 hours a day only, no fridge, no washing machines, no signal, no motorbikes, no bank account, putting fire to a coconut leaf to light up the path on the way back from school, jungle girls, naturally beautiful girls, mountain girls, climbing trees, surfing, knowing all the tricks of the nature and believing in the universe girls. Girls with their past written on their bodies through their scars. I love tombyish girls, not girls who do everything like a man but girls who have a masculine soul in a feminine body, they probably are my main inspiration, maybe because I have a feminine soul in a masculine body. I like it here, I like the people.

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